Contact TSAM

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NAME Position Contact no.
TENZIN KALSANG President 08124950947
KALSANG RABTEN Vice President 09791148746
TENZIN CHOKPHEL Education Secretary09710867734
CHOEPHEL TASHI Sports Secretary 08680838232
TSERING NORBU Cultural Secretary 09840372310
SONAM  BHUTI City PRO 08124260544


  1. Congratualation to all of you. All the best for your term and may your hardwork will bring tsam into the higher stage of activism n unity....

  2. Thank you so much for the congrats and encouragement. We will do our best to bring about activism.

  3. to all the cabinet members,Kindly note that this year's mini international tourney is to be host by TSAM as per the yearly schedule,. next year by MIZO and so on . thank you :)


What can we do for Tibet?

1. Organize presentations & community forums
2. Show Tibetan films documentary

3. Boycott Chinese goods

4. Organize community boycotts

5. Educate businesspersons about the importance of Boycotting Chinese goods

6. Write articles & letters for the newspapers

7. Organize interviews with the radio & TV stations

8. Organize press conferences

9. Develop & distribute flyers & posters

10. Organize benefit concerts

11. Telephone 1 person each day & talk with them about China, Tibet, & the U.S.A.

12. Give articles about Tibet to your friends, co-workers, classmates, & relatives

13. Report inaccurate maps & facts about Tibet in books to the publisher

14. Fly the Tibetan Flag at your home, business, and/or school

15. Burn white candles each evening in prominent or public places

16. Walk for Tibet's independence in your community

17. Wear a "Tibet" button

18. Put a bumper sticker on your car & give them to others

19. Set up information tables in public places

20. Write letters to government officials (U.S. & PRC) & human rights' groups. Along with other issues, demand that Gendhun Choekyi Nyima be released

21. Circulate various petitions about Tibet & Tibetans

22. Recite long life prayers for The Dalai Lama & The Panchen Lama

23. Recite prayers to remove the obstacles to restore Tibet's independence

24. Hold silent vigils to symbolize the silent voices of Tibetans in Tibet

25. Visit internet chat rooms each day & educate & discuss Tibet, the PRC, & the U.S.A.

26. Wear rangzen bracelets demonstrating your support for Tibet's independence. Share these bracelets with your relatives, co-workers, & friends

27. Each day, wear the name of a different Tibetan Political Prisoner on your clothing

28. Organize hunger strikes for Tibet

29. Ask your radio stations to play "The Yak Band" (Purchase tape from ITIM)

30. Collect Signatures for Tibet's independence. Return petitions to ITIM

31. Collect Signatures for Boycotting Chinese Products. Return petitions to ITIM

32. Host Tibetans visiting your area

33. Raise Funds to assist Tibet Support Groups

Remember: It is easy for us to do many of these activities. Tibetans inside Tibet, in contrast, could possibly be imprisoned or killed for participating in any one of these activities. Whatever you do for Tibet, please be mindful of this reality.
